ClearHire by Background Solutions Online |
 Technology and dedication provide the cornerstones for our background hiring solution products. Our ClearHire & ClearHire Plus background investigations provide our most important instantaneous searches along with additional checks that enhance your decision making.
Every ClearHire check searches the following instantaneous databases:
Instant Social Security Addresses & Verification (SSAVY) |
The Social Security Trace checks the validity of an applicant's Social Security Number. If the number is valid, the trace will identify the year and state in which the number was issued. The Social Security Trace will alert you if the number has not been issued, if it was used in a previously filed death claim, or if it was used in any fraudulent activity. The trace also identifies AKA’S that have been used and provides past addresses up to 15 years, which assists in determining which counties we should search for the applicant's criminal record.
Our Employment credit history reports are designed for employment purposes and do not count as an inquiry on the individual’s report or reveal either date of birth or a credit score. The report includes verification of the applicants’ name, their current address and two previous addresses, current phone number, current employer, up to three previous employers, and any aliases associated with the Social Security Number along with the actual credit lines and history.
The Nationwide Criminal Scan is a powerful, comprehensive database search that provides same day access to the largest criminal database available with millions of offense records. It is a valuable information resource that may discover convictions in counties not identified in a Social Security Trace or Credit History Report if the subject had never lived in the county. Records from states are indexed from state correctional institutions, sexual offender and violent offender lists, the Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) and some state and county court records.
State Sexual Offender Registry |
Per Megan’s Law, sexual offenders must register when they move. There are currently more than 550,000 registered sex offenders nationwide. Sexual offender searches are statewide searches of registered sex offender registry databases.
While some companies believe driving records should be used only if an applicant will be driving a company car, crimes are not isolated to where we live and work. Driving record information exposes important character issues. By searching an applicant's driving record, we learn about suspended licenses, failures to appear in court, and arrest warrants. In addition, drug and alcohol related driving offenses such as driving under the influence and possession of drugs may serve as a warning of potential substance abuse problems that can affect job performance.
The Global Scan Patriot Act Name Search includes the following U.S. and foreign sanctions and watch lists. Lists notated with an asterisk (*) indicate a geographic-based sanctions list. Background Solutions Online will add additional sanctions and watch lists as U.S. or foreign governments and international organizations release them. These lists currently include:
- OFAC Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) & Blocked Persons
- OFAC Sanctioned Countries, including Major Cities & Ports*
- Non-Cooperative Countries and Territories*
- Department of State Trade Control (DTC) Debarred Parties
- U.S. Bureau of Industry & Security (formerly BXA)
- Unverified Entities List
- Denied Entities List
- Denied Persons List
- FBI Most Wanted Terrorists & Seeking Information
- FBI Top Ten Most Wanted
- INTERPOL Most Wanted List
- Bank of England Sanctions List
- OSFI - Canadian Sanctions List
- United Nations Consolidated Sanctions List
- Politically Exposed Persons List
- European Union Terrorism List
- World Bank Ineligible Firms
Our ClearHire Plus offers all the above searches along with the following, all combined in a package to create a savings to you.
Criminal History Report for 1 county |
We perform searches of current records directly at local, county, Superior, and Municipal courts. Criminal searches are available nationwide as well as in the U.S. territories and Canada. We recommend a search of all counties of residence and any Aka’s that are identified in an applicant's Social Security Trace. Using our network of researchers we access the most current information available and report felony and misdemeanor convictions based on applicable federal and state law.
We do not use online or CD-ROM databases, which may be out of date and inaccurate. The Federal Trade Commission in a staff opinion letter stated that an employment screening service that uses stored data (which may be as much as 90 days old) does not comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act Section 613(2). State Repositories are available in some states, but many provide partial or out-of-date information because they are not frequently updated. Except where the repository is updated daily, state repository searches should not replace county criminal searches.
Employment Verification for last two employers |
Past Employment Verification is recommended for all employees. It is approximated that 38% of all resumes and employment applications contain falsified information. Our in-house Reference and Verification Department will verify the employer’s name, applicant’s title, dates of employment, salary history (upon client’s request), whether they are eligible for rehire, and we request additional comments related to the prospective employee.
We verify college degrees, unless you ask that we verify high school also or “highest degree” earned. Our Education Verification will report the applicant’s dates of attendance, graduation date, and degree earned. Some educational institutions will report GPA.
Prior Employer Drug and Alcohol Test Results |
Our Reference and Verification Department checks with past employers to obtain information whether applicant 1) took a drug test, 2) failed any drug test, or 3) refused any drug test. Pursuant to 49 C.F.R., previous employers must provide information on past employees' drug and alcohol tests within the two previous years. Information will provide dates of confirmed positive tests for drugs, confirmed alcohol test results of 0.04% or greater, and refusal to take a controlled substance test within the past two years.
 | Give one of our Background Screening Professionals a call today at 239.514.2940 or toll free to discuss options available to you. |
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